It's been a little "here and there" the past few weeks. Isn't the end of the school year bananas? Every year I seem to forget that June is just crazy busy. The kids have been busy with spring activities, school is ending, I'm in a new job and it's been busy with figuring out vacation plans, camps for the kids etc. Yup, first world problems. However, it still makes things a whole lotta crazy.
Oh and wanna hear something fun? On Wednesday, at the crack of dawn...literally! I'm going to be on CTV Morning Live, here in Ottawa as a hair model. FUN! If you're up at 6:50, my locks will be getting styled for the summer with KerMax products. Then, I'll be on again, sharing some fabuloso ideas for your summer entertaining with Sabra hummus. Double tv fun!!
In the meantime, I wanted to share with you a really cute and easy DIY for your garden. My kids did these cement patio stones for their Poppa for Father's Day. They're easy, inexpensive and adorable. Promise.
- Mixing cement (we had some down in the basement but you can purchase it at your local hardware store. You buy it in powder and just add water).
- Duct tape
- Pizza boxes...we always have those in our recycling box ;)
- Plastic Wrap
- Anything you want to add to your stones (i.e. trinkets)
- Duct tape the corners of your pizza box. You're going to pour your cement in there so you need to make sure that the corners are strong. Lay plastic wrap along the bottom and sides of your pizza box (this will help you lift out your cement when you're done).
Mix your cement. Honestly, there isn't a magical formula for this. The kids and I found a bucket in the shed, a random piece of wood (a paint mixing stick would work great) and just added water to the cement until you get a toothpaste consistency.
Pour your cement in each of the boxes (one box of cement got us two big stones and a small stone). Let it set enough that your trinkets won't sink. Then just place them in your stones as you want. You can also draw anything you want in them.
Let it dry and the just peel off the sides of the box and the plastic wrap.
Cute eh? My dad secured them to one of the trees at the cottage. They're easy, adorable and made with love. Try it out.
Keep it Beautiful.

I love these Alicia! Great cottage activity!