Happy Fabulous Friday!
Our older son is a fabulous artist. He loves to draw, paint, create and he’s very good at it. Our local community centre put out an advertisement that they were holding an art show. Anyone of any age could submit their art for the show. All the art pieces were to be hung in the gallery for the month of May. Our older son was thrilled and knew right away that he wanted to submit a painting. So, a couple of weekends ago, the kids had been outside all day and needed some downtime. I picked up a few white canvases and set up a little art studio in the back room and their paintings turned out gorg.
This got me thinking…
Since I broke the print that flanked the fireplace in December, the wall has been blank. I’ve been keeping my eye out for an inexpensive print but just haven’t been able to find anything that wowed me. Buying a fabulous piece of “real” art would be great but we're not sure what we're looking for, nor willing to shell out a lot of cashola. There are lots of other things on our priority list right now and an expensive piece of art isn't on that list.
So…I did a painting myself. Gasp! I figured I had the extra canvas, the paint and a blank wall. Why not try it out? I would not consider myself to be artistic in the paint brush-to-canvas type way. I’m a stick-figure drawing type gal, so attempting to create a painting for the living room was out of the box for me.
Here’s what you need:
- Blank canvas (any size you want) They have them at the DollarStore and larger sizes at any craft store.
- Paint – I used the kids craft paint (no fancy artist paint here). I also used some leftover wall paint that we had.
- Brushes – Again, the kids brushes and I snagged a big wall brush from the workroom for bigger strokes.
- Drop cloth
I propped up the canvas on a chair as my make-shift easel
and just started with a few grey brush strokes using the wall brush. Horizontal and vertical.
I didn’t have too much paint on my brush so it dried really quickly. Then, it’s just a matter of layering. Use whatever colour combo you want. I always add a little black to everything in a room (a decorator’s tip) so why not add it to the canvas?
When I felt the colours were getting too intense, I added brush strokes of white over top. This will give you a softer look. You all know how much I love the white.
Take a step back, walk by it a few times before you keeping adding more. More is not necessarily better.
I casually hung it on the wall and felt really weird about it at first. Who am I to add my random abstract art up there? But you know what? It doesn’t look too bad. The kids loved it, Mr. Fix-It likes it and so do I. It was easy to do, cost hardly anything and why not.
So, my friends…grab your brushes, canvas and DIY some abstract art this weekend. Happy weekend.
Keep it beautiful.
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