Today is Bell Let's Talk Day. Mental health is real. It's as real as any other health issues that anyone has. As you know, I struggled with the loss of my friend Robyn and I realized that the only way I was going to get through it was to talk. I need to talk about it. I went to therapy once a week for a few months and it was amazing. Before, I admit I had always assumed that going to see a therapist was only for people at the lowest of their low, who laid on a couch, spilled their guts and we're traumatized forever. Oh how I was wrong. I was definitely at the bottom, that's for sure, but there is no couch and every time I left, I felt amazing. I felt strong, I felt happy and in control.
After Robyn died, I became obsessed with being sick. It consumed me. I thought every little pain, every little cough meant that I was going to die too. Robyn was one of my BFFs, she was my age, we lived together for 4 years in University, she was beautiful, smart, kind, ambitious, an incredible mom and she died. I just couldn't understand it and it consumed me. I couldn't watch the news because I felt like all the bad in this world was going to affect my family. My anxiety was not only affecting me, but everyone I loved around me.
I needed help. I needed to talk about it.
Now what. Now, I feel really good. I have "me" back again and it's amazing.
So, as someone who had never felt like I needed "to talk" or had an experience with mental health struggles, I hope that sharing my story will help to end the stigma of mental health.
Whether you feel like your issue is big or small. It doesn't matter. Let's talk about it! I promise, you'll feel better!
I've shared my video on FB and Twitter. Please feel free to share it. The more we share, the more we are aware.
*Just want you to know that this is not a sponsored post. I have had no contact with Bell on this. I just wanted to share my story with you*
Keep it Beautiful.

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