Monday, May 5, 2014

A Beautiful Soul

Good morning everyone,

I wanted to tell you about my beautiful friend that we lost last night. Her name was Robyn and she was a beautiful soul in every way.

Robyn and I met in 1998 on residence "move-in" day at Queen's University. With her gorgeous welcoming smile and friendly attitude, I know the girl from Ottawa and I were going to hit it off.  Four years of living together at Queen's was just the beginning of our journey together. University were some of the best days of our lives. Robyn, Julie, Andree and I travelled as a pack. We lived out of each other's pockets, studied together (Robyn always at the 11th hour before the exam ;) partied together....oh my the parties! cried together, laughed till our sides wanted to bust, ate poutine at 3am together and are the best of friends. We were know as the "334 University Ave" girls.  I didn't have a biological sister but Robyn and the girls are my sisters. Since 1998, we've all been married, had babies, bought houses and grown our careers.  One thing that never changed was our love for each other. We truly are bonded in a powerful way.

Robyn was a fighter in so many ways. She not only fought her disease with guns ablazing but loved sports and had a strong competitive streak in her. However, as soon as the game was over, the competition was over and she was lovely Robyn.  Robyn was the epitome of beautiful and most of all selfless.  She would give you the shirt off her back and never thought twice about it. Her acts of kindness were just that. Kind and always wanted everyone to be happy. Even in Robyn's last days, she was thanking the nurses and everyone around her for their help. She was pure love.

Robyn was 35 years old, a mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a hero. I'm honoured to have been her friend and with her in her last days on this earth. Now her soul has been released into the universe. Robyn touched so many people and forever we will carry her with us. Soar with the angels my sweet friend.

My dear friend Robyn, you kept everything beautiful.

So long my friend,


  1. What a beautiful post to commemorate someone so important to you. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  2. This is heart -breaking, it bring tears to my eyes, I am so sorry for your loss.

  3. My love and thoughts your way, Alicia. I remember you sharing stories of her and your friends with me in the Shediac trailer. Huge hugs

  4. I am so sorry for your loss.

  5. Beautiful post, Alicia. Thank you for sharing your memories of a lovely friend.

  6. beautiful post, Alicia. thank you for sharing your memories of a lovely friend.

  7. She was the teacher to my three children..but one of them considered her a friend. She had an amazing ability of making the person she was talking to to feel important and loved. She will be missed, I am sorry that there will be such a hole in the school but more importantly the lives of those who were her family and friend

  8. She was truly a beautiful woman....every definition of beautiful inside and out!!! My three children had the privilege and honor of having Robyn as a teacher. She made each of them feel important and loved! My daughter considered her a friend and has many fun and amazing memories! I am sorry that all of you will have this loss but mostly I am sorry that those who did not meet her do not get the chance. This is a beautiful tribute to her Alicia...she was truly an angel here on earth she had her wings long before she soared to the heavens...RIP!


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