Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Halloween Mantle

Hi everyone!
My camera is back from getting a little TLC and has given up the goods. Honestly, I love working with electronics/gadgets but the moment they stop working, I’m up the creek without a paddle.
Since I was a little girl, Halloween has always been one of my favourite events of the year. From planning our costumes, decorating the house, making spooky cookies and trick-or-treating, I have always loved it. My kiddies are very excited for the big night…what kid doesn’t love to go door-to-door asking for candy and then stay up late, eating everything we ask them not to eat?!

This is a photo of our minis last weekend at a Halloween party. Ninja Turtles unite!
BTW, if you need to make a tutu and don’t want to have to sew it, I used this tutorial online that involved zero sewing and cost only $9 to make! Easy peasy! God bless talented crafters that produce easy tutorial versions of the real deal for wannabe crafters like myself!

The kids helped me decorate our mantle. Our big guy wanted something scary and our middle guy was hesitant. So…this is what we came up with.


We filled a glass vase with rice and stuck decorative branches (I use these all the time in urns) in the rice to hold them in place. We picked up a handful of bats at the dollar store and gave them a place to hang.
Last year I used lots of crows and birds. Up went a couple of those guys and some smiley pumpkin lanterns for the not-so-scary feel.

Halloween is one of those holidays where your mantle décor can be limitless. You can go scary, traditional (i.e. line up a bunch of pumpkins straight across), gory (hanging hands, legs and spider webs etc), or silly.
If you are looking for some last minute Halloween décor, I've created a Halloween Pinterest board for some inspiration.
Next stop…Christmas! Dare I say it?! Wait for it…November 1st, Christmas will have fully exploded in the stores. Prepare yourself.

The Mason Jar Series will officially begin tomorrow J
Keep it Beautiful.


  1. Oh those kids look ADORABLE and your Halloween mantle looks great - just the right amount of "boo"!

  2. Looks just awesome Alicia! I adore your turtle clan, way to cute for words! Hope your Halloween was perfect!

  3. Love your mantle! And your kids look adorable :)

  4. Your little turtles are the cutest :) And your mantel... perfect combination of kid-friendly and classy! Awesome!


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