Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Media Storage - Basement Reno

Hey everyone!

As you know, we've decided to take the leap and reno the basement. We've chosen our contractor and Mr. Fix-It is busy tearing down walls, cutting up old drywall and trying to de-tangle himself from all the random wiring down there! The whole space needs to be empty before our contractor can get in there and start working. Right now we're hoping to start June 1st. That gives me some time to go through all the bins of STUFF down there. I went through a couple of bins on the weekend and found some great memories. Remember these? I loved my charm necklace. It's now around our baby girl's neck and I've upgraded ;)

While it's still a dark, dingy mess right now, we need to start moving on a couple of things. On one wall we're going to do built-ins for the tv, shelving, hide the remotes, DVDs & randomness that everyone collects. These are being custom built and take about 4-6 weeks. So, tonight Mr. Fix-It and I are going to sit down and decide on what look we want so that we can tell our contractor the plan.

Here are some that catch my eye....

I really like how the tv is recessed into this built-in. Our contractor suggested having a panel open for remote storage. Me likey!

I'm not sure if we should do cabinets all the way across the bottom or shelves all the way down. You'll see what I mean...this is my doodle sketch ;)

I like the idea of being able to put baskets in the bottom shelves with toys, however, I also know that we need the storage. Let's be honest...having mostly open shelving won't stay tidy all the time. By having cupboards all the way across, it allows us to store more things and hide it! That sounds like a win to me!

What do you think my friends? Closed cupboards all the way across the bottom or open shelving floor to ceiling? Would love to hear your thoughts!
 For now, I'm still staring at this! Okay, there might be a bunch of walls gone but there's still lots of stuff ;)
The Urban Barn contest winner will be announced tomorrow! There's been lots of entries, can't wait to announce the winner!
Keep it Beautiful.


  1. Right so this is exactly my issue right now. I am hoping to have someone build something exactly like this in the coming couple of months. I need to know the same thing. I love the LOOK of the drawing of the shelves with the baskets option. BUT I also know that never ever works. It's never as need as we envision. Plus baskets are kind of blah. I am pinning some of the Pins you have shared here. I want this to look good. Our basement has great potential and is also finished BUT I need the contractor to actually call me back and get this rolling.

  2. Stunning inspiration pics. It's going to be fab!

  3. I would go with closed cabinets as they are great for storing just about anything plus there's no dusting required! I would include adjustable shelving in the cabinet for more flexibility. Are you planning on painting the built in ? Looking forward to your updates.

  4. I would definitely go with closed. Still put baskets inside the cabinets so things don't topple out, but stuff kids are required to put away always looks better behind closed doors. :)

  5. Ohh fun stuff! I would definitely do the closed cabinets at the bottom, however, if you have a tv receiver keep in mind where you're going to put it. Your remote won't be able to signal to it if it's behind a cabinet door. Your basement is going to look fab!

  6. Ok, love your inspiration and I would say full on lower cabinets, I think there would be a lot more stuff like family games etc to hide down there versus a pretty decorative item on a shelf - better use of space maybe??

  7. I love all the choice with these builti-ins

  8. We recently did a full wall of built ins and we did a combo of drawers and cabinets on the bottom. Similar to your bottom doodle. I love not seeing all the toys, books, etc, but yet they are in an easy place for the kids to pull them out and put them away :)


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