Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Smells of Christmas

What smells remind you of Christmas? For me, it's the smell of the Christmas tree, fresh pinecones and gingerbread.

Here is a great little recipe to have simmering on your stove that will instantly surround your home in Christmas love.

1 orange sliced
1 lemon sliced
4 cinnamon sticks broken into halves
3 tablespoons whole cloves
2 tablespoons whole all spice
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
1 tablespoon nutmeg
4 cups water

In a saucepan, mix all the ingredients. Once it boils, turn it down to simmer and let the deliciousness take over. Just keep adding water as it boils down.


Keep it Beautiful.


  1. This sounds good! My fave is the balsam scented candles - nothing smells like Christmas more than the tree smell in the house ;-)

  2. mmm, that sounds delicious! My favourite Christmas tree is the Balsam Fir.


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