Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!!

Did you have a great holiday? Are you looking forward to what 2014 will bring? We had a really nice Christmas with family, friends and I was thrilled to have Mr. Fix-It off for two weeks. Today it's back to reality. Mr. Fix-It is back to work and school lunches, nursery school, activities etc are back up and running. Mr. Fix-It is out of the jeans and back into the suit and tie!

Did you make any resolutions for 2014? We rang in the new year with some great friends. It was a late night dinner party at our house with silliness and fun. Good times!

There's lots of changes that will be happening for us in 2014. My maternity leave will be ending in April so it's back to the office full-time for me in the Spring. This will be a big change for our family as I was only back to work for 5 months in between my second and third babes. Trying to juggle it all and be everything I want to be to my kiddies and Mr. Fix-It is definitely going to be a challenge! I also hope to run the May Marathon so training for that begins mid January. Gulp! I'll keep you posted.

As for Keep it Beautiful, I'm so very thankful for you. Many of you have followed me since I started blogging and continue to be such dedicated readers. Thank you! I hope to continue to inspire you  to create beautiful spaces in your home whether its through DIYs, trends, food etc.  I have lots of ideas planned for this year that I think you're going to like. I'm always inspired by your questions and thoughts. Keep them coming!

I'm also dedicated to growing Keep it Beautiful Interior Design.  It's a passion of mine that continues to grow and would love to help you create beautiful spaces one-on-one. I have some fun workshops planned and few other opportunities to share with you soon.

Speaking of design and you know what the colour of the year is?  Last year, emerald green graced home design magazines and fashion. This year...drum roll...
Radiant Orchid
 Whatcha think? Like it? Can you see it in your home? It's bright and vibrant. I have to be honest, I've never been a real purple-loving-gal. In fact, I often stay away from it. However, twice last week shades of this colour has made me turn my head and think "me likey"!
1. I sat down to read my new Style at Home magazine and a gorgeous white kitchen was on the front cover with chairs that had a fantastic purple trellis pattern. Check out the cover in the grocery store. Super pretty! Here are some fabric samples from Tonic Living that could look fab in the perfect space.
Tonic Living
2. We were at my girlfriend Stephanie's house for her twin's 1st birthday and she did their nursery in shades of purple.  Stephanie has done a fantastic job. Lovely. Great job Steph!
Here's to 2014. I wish you a very Happy New Year! Here we go again together...let's create fresh.fabulous.sophisticated spaces together.
Keep it Beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. I VERY much look forward to your workshops.
    Am also hoping that my oldest chooses an Ottawa university for next year, leaving me $$ for some home design! Sarah in Ottawa.
